"Name number" is computed according to the alphabet letters present in your name. You can calculate your it by adding the numbers corresponding to each alphabet in your name. The value for each alphabet letter according to the Chaldean system of alphabets, are as follow:
1 - A, I, J, Q, Y
2 - B, K, R
3 - C, G, L, S
4 - D, M, T
5 - E, H, N, X
6 - U, V, W
7 - O, Z
8 - F, P
How to calculate your name number?
It is simple. Write your name in a piece of paper. Add the corresponding numbers.
For example: if your Name is "realexposer", then:
r-2 e-5 a-1 l-3 e-5 x-5 p-8 0-7 s-3 e-5 r-2
So by adding all the numbers (2+5+1+3+5+5+8+7+3+5+2) = 46.
46 means 4+6 = 10 = 1+0 +1
So your Name number is 1/46
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